A new rule from the Department of Labor threatens the livelihoods of independent business owners and freelancers across the country. Tell Congress to reject this rule and protect independent workers.

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(Left to Right: Dan Cheatham, independent film maker; Aaron Gayden, band leader; Karen Garrity, music contractor and cellist)

The DOL’s Misguided
New Rule

On March 11, a new rule from the Department of Labor will go into effect, wreaking havoc on independent business owners and freelancers throughout the US.

The rule creates new requirements for defining who is and isn’t an independent worker. As a result, countless independent workers will be redefined as employees overnight — even if it’s not what these workers want.

California’s Cautionary Tale 

Reclassifying independent workers against their will has already backfired in California.

When the state passed a controversial law known as AB 5, hundreds of thousands of independent business owners and freelancers across the state lost their livelihoods.

The law was so unpopular that people from dozens of industries — including real-estate appraisers, photographers, translators, and recording artists pushed for amendments that would allow them to operate outside of the law, maintaining their independent worker status.

One group of freelance writers and editors sued the DOL over the rule, saying they “fear that they will lose business due to uncertainty or fear of liability risks.”

A group that advocates for independent workers called Freelancers Against AB5 compiled a list of more than 600 professions that have been negatively affected by restrictions similar to this rule in California.

Hundreds of personal testimonials have been recorded of workers who have been harmed.

The owner of a family-owned trucking business also filed suit over the law, citing concern for the independent workers that his company relies on.

Another business owner warned the rule would hinder her ability to partner with talented individuals – the majority of whom are women – hurting not just her business but the livelihoods of the workers she partners with.